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I wish to combine deep insight into things around us to create paintings and photography that inspire and delight people 

Artist Biography​ 簡介
Ching Ju Tsao has a BA in Interior Design from Oklahoma State University and an MFA from the Academy of Art University. She successively engaged in creative and challenging work related to interior design, exhibition design, graphic design and photography. She also started to study meditation, participating in volunteer service in rural areas of Thailand. She believes that understanding and continuous learning of various life and cultures, can nourish the depth of artistic creation, and add tranquility and humanistic care to the presentation of art works.
In recent years, she has been inspired and nurtured by the scenes of Sonoma County. She aims to use her enthusiasm and professionalism to transform the local, seasonal, natural and colorful images of crops, fruits and flowers into intimate landscape oil paintings. Her works lean towards painterly realistic style, by combining unique brushstrokes, textures and rich colors, her ideas and creation move freely in the dimensions of realistic, impressive and expressive touches. Her series of thesis paintings are designed to evoke feelings of vitality and abundance, as well as gratitude and appreciation of beauty from nature. She is a member of California Art Club. She has exhibited her work through her local café, art school in Florence, Italy and gallery affiliated with the Academy of Art University.

曹靜茹擁有俄克拉荷馬州立大學室內設計學士學位和舊金山的藝術大學藝術碩士學位。先後從事室內設計、展覽設計、平面設計和攝影等創意和挑戰性的工作。她學習禪修及花藝創作, 參加泰國農村地區的志工服務。 她認為,對各種生活和文化的理解和不斷學習,可以滋養藝術創作的深度,為藝術作品的呈現增添寧靜和人文關懷。她旨在用自己的熱情和專業精神,將各地的、季節性的、自然多彩的農作物、水果和花卉的圖像轉化為親切的風景畫。 她的作品偏向繪畫寫實風格,結合獨特的筆觸、肌理和豐富的色彩,使她的思想和創作在寫實、感人、富有表現力的維度中游移自如。 她的一系列論文繪畫旨在喚起人們的活力和豐富感,以及對自然之美的感激和欣賞。 她是加州藝術俱樂部的成員。她曾透過北加州當地的咖啡館、義大利佛羅倫薩的藝術學校、舊金山的藝術大學附屬畫廊及Marin Open Studio 展出了她的作品。

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